
Monday, July 11, 2011

I can't believe its been a week since our last post!  Shame on us!  Although compared to our previous schedule filled with constant travel, hitchhiking and meeting new people on an almost daily basis, our stay in London has been quite uneventful.  We arrived at our flat last Tuesday, July 5th, and have been laying low ever since.  We LOVE the flat.  Jamie, the owner is visiting the states through the month of July, and we have the privilege of house sitting.     

Here it is!  Our half is on the right:
We are about a 10 minute walk to the "tube" or train station, which takes us into London's center in about a half hour.  We've only felt like making the trip twice so far.  Otherwise we've enjoyed biking around Uxbridge, and watching a variety of chick flicks available at the flat:)  

Before we became proprietors of London's mass transit system, we had to buy our Oyster cards, which are prepaid trips on the trains and buses.  An Oyster card costs five pounds, but when you return it, you get your five pounds back.  Nice!  Also - very important...not only do you need to swipe your card at the kiosk to enter the train terminal, you also have to swipe it to get out so you don't get charged more.  It all seemed confusing at first, but fortunately has all come together.

Here is a map of London's tube or train system along with my Oyster card...weeeeeeeeeee!!!!

As far as our two trips into the city center go, we've basically wondered around aimlessly with the exception of a few ventures.  One was a walk across Abby Road, which was very touristy so I tried to act cool...

Here is a link to Abbey Road's live Web cam ... ...if you are interested in seeing us walk across the road, I don't blame you.  It is, after all, non-stop excitement!  lol 


We also visited the very popular Camden Market ... also pretty touristy, but filled with very interesting people, vendors, artisans, fashion and food from every corner of the world.  Camden has become well-known due to the band Oasis and writers such as George Orwell and Charles Dickens...

Our other trip into city center was for a farmer's market.  We were so excited to get there, and when we arrived, it just wasn't what we thought it was going to be.  The fruits and veg here aren't as good as what we had in Bath, Herefordshire, Wales and Ireland.  Boo hoo.  Good thing we'll be starting another 10-day cleanse within the next few days!

Peace and love to anyone reading:)

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